Dosage Chart: Acetaminophen (Tylenol)

Acetaminophen may be less upsetting to the stomach than ibuprofen. Therefore, in general, use of acetaminophen is preferable to ibuprofen if the patient has stomach upset or is not drinking well.

In case of doubt: First, read the package label. If uncertainty still exists, call the office.

 Age0-3 mos4-11 mos12-23 mos2-3 yrs4-5 yrs6-8 yrs9-10 yrs11-12 yrs12+ yrs
  Weight in pounds 6-11 12-17 18-23 24-35 36-47 48-59 60-71 72-95 96+
5 ml =
160 mg
Children's Tylenol Suspension
1.25 2.5 3.75 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 20
1 tab =
80 mg
Children's Tylenol Melt-aways
# of tabs
- - 1 ½ 2 3 4 5 6 8
1 tab =
160 mg
Junior Tylenol Melt-aways
# of tabs
- - - 1 1 ½ 2 2 ½ 3 4
1 tab =
325 mg
Tylenol (regular adult)
# tabs
- - - - ½ 1 1 1 ½ 2
1 tab =
500 mg
Tylenol (extra strength adult)
# tabs
- - - - ½ ½ 1 1 1 ½
1 tab =
650 mg
Tylenol (extended release adult) # tabs - - - - - - - - 1


  • Check dosage form and concentration carefully!
  • When choosing dose, weight is more important than age.
  • Acetaminophen doses may be repeated every four hours. 5 doses in 24 hours is a reasonable maximum.
  • 1 tsp (teaspoon) = 5.0 ml

Essex Office One Wildwood Medical Center
35 Saybrook Road
Essex, CT 06426
Tel: 860.767.0168

8:30 am to 5:00 pm M-F
8:30 am to noon Saturday

Ped-I-Care After Hours Care
Available in Our Essex

6:00 pm to 8:00 pm M-F
Noon to 5:00 pm Saturday
11:00 am to 4:00 pm Sunday & Holidays

Old Saybrook Office 30 Elm Street
Old Saybrook, CT 06475
Tel: 860.388.4545

8:30 am to 5:00 pm M-F

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