Vaccination Policy

The vaccination of children has long been looked upon as one of the greatest medical achievements for children, both at an individual level, and a public health perspective. There is no disputing the science that the health of children is vastly improved due to the implementation of vaccination policies in our country and worldwide. Wide use of vaccines has been in place for nearly a century.

Over the years, our practice has grappled, and wrestled, with the best approach in caring for families that have refused the scientifically derived vaccine guidelines established by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). And although we disagreed with families, we respectfully worked with them to provide proper medical care, all along encouraging proper vaccinations.

Over time, and with continued discussion, thoughtful debate and ethical deliberations amongst ourselves, our practice decided that we would permanently put in place what we have always felt. In early 2023, we decided to strictly follow the guidelines of fully vaccinating the children in our practice. This change has also followed the State of Connecticut vaccination policies of the last two years.

To that end, Wildwood Pediatrics will no longer accept new families and patients into our practice who refuse to follow the proper CDC vaccination guidelines, or new families with a newborn who will not follow these guidelines.

For existing families with under-vaccinated children, we will happily continue to care for your children.

For those children who require a formal 'catch-up' schedule and documentation for daycares, pre-schools and schools, we will strictly follow the CDC Catch-up Immunization Schedule, as also stated in the Connecticut law.

For those children who don't require such formal schedules and documentation a more personalized schedule can be developed with a minimum of two vaccines administered at each office visit.

To properly discuss and develop the needed catch-up schedule for your child one office visit will be required. Once developed there will be no deviation from it unless medically deemed so by one of our providers. Failure to follow the developed catch-up schedule will be cause for dismissal

For more information on vaccinations please see the following links:

     CDC Vaccination Schedule

     CDC Catch-up Vaccination Schedule

As always, we look forward to caring for your children and continue to strive to provide the best care to your loved ones.

Essex Office One Wildwood Medical Center
35 Saybrook Road
Essex, CT 06426
Tel: 860.767.0168

8:30 am to 5:00 pm M-F
8:30 am to noon Saturday

Ped-I-Care After Hours Care
Available in Our Essex

6:00 pm to 8:00 pm M-F
Noon to 5:00 pm Saturday
11:00 am to 4:00 pm Sunday & Holidays

Old Saybrook Office 30 Elm Street
Old Saybrook, CT 06475
Tel: 860.388.4545

8:30 am to 5:00 pm M-F

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