Breastfeeding & Lactation Support

Wildwood Pediatrics is one of the few primary care pediatric offices in Connecticut to provide certified, formalized breastfeeding follow-up and support to mothers and infants according to the American Academy of Pediatrics Position Statement on Breastfeeding. Janice Cole, RN, Barbara DiBella, RN and Leslie Novinski, RN are all International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC) with extensive experience in providing evidence based lactation care to mothers and infants.

Mothers and infants are seen routinely within 1-3 days of discharge from the hospital for a lactation visit which includes a maternal history, infant birth history, observation of the infant feeding, and weight check, as well as time with the physician or APRN. Many common breastfeeding problems can be avoided with early follow-up care by a skilled professional. Lactation visits can be ongoing for more complex breastfeeding problems or for those who wish them.

All of our lactation consultants are skilled in helping mothers of older babies as well as offering knowledgeable support to mothers who are returning to work and would like to continue breastfeeding their infants. The lactation consultants are available to answer questions by phone. Prenatal visits are available for mothers-to-be who may have specific questions/concerns or are in need of general information regarding breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding & Lactation Resources:

Essex Office One Wildwood Medical Center
35 Saybrook Road
Essex, CT 06426
Tel: 860.767.0168

8:30 am to 5:00 pm M-F
8:30 am to noon Saturday

Ped-I-Care After Hours Care
Available in Our Essex

6:00 pm to 8:00 pm M-F
Noon to 5:00 pm Saturday
11:00 am to 4:00 pm Sunday & Holidays

Old Saybrook Office 30 Elm Street
Old Saybrook, CT 06475
Tel: 860.388.4545

8:30 am to 5:00 pm M-F

NCQA Recognized