Zika Virus - Need a Travel Consult


As you know from simply watching and following the news, the Zika virus has become a major health concern in South and Central America, and throughout the Caribbean Island region.  There has been concern for the most southern portions of the U.S. but there has not been a confirmed case of an individual 'catching' Zika virus in the U.S from a mosquito bite.  The only cases of infected people with Zika virus in the U.S. is when indivduals have travelled to a high risk region, or have had sexual contact with an infected individual.  It is also important to note that the mosquito that has been implemented in transmission the Zike virus leaves and breeds in mostly tropical environments.  As with many issues in medicine, 'things change' so please keep abreast of the news.

For further information, please visit the CDC website:  www.cdc.gov and the Connecticut Department of Public Heath:  www.ct.gov/dph

We have a dedicated travel consult team at Wildwood Pediatrics led by Nurse Sandy Payne and Dr. Burke to help keep you medically safe as you travel throughout our beautiful world.  Please call to schedule a consult as part of your travels plans wherever they may lead you.

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